
If you have checked your address at both this site and the State Rent Administration site and appear to have an apartment that should be registered with the State but is not, it is not clear exactly what you should do. City agencies are responsibe for certain aspects of administering rent regulations - issuing tax certificates and collecting property taxes. But a State agency is responsible for collecting registration information on buildings and apartments. However, the State agency collects registration information only from building owners who voluntarily supply it. There is no apparent City or State agency handling situations where renters in buildings or apartments that should be registered can find out whether they are in such a category. As a result, there is no clear procedure to follow to correct this problem for renters.

Until this situation is corrected with legistative and administrative action, it is recommended that you contact State and City administrative and legislative personnel to explain your situation and ask for their cooperation in obtaining relief. It is also suggested that you use the REGISTER option at this site to join what might become a class action law suit even if your buiding is now registered but you lived there in 2012.
During the coming months, together with housing advocates, attempts will be made to establish a coalition of community based groups and lawyers to act in your behalf.

New York State Homes and Community Renewal - Division of Housing and Community Renewal


General Information: 1-866-275-3427




At the first site (1) you will see City Council District members names and numbers. If you already know the number you can just go down the list of numbers and click on the Council members name to get contact information. If you go to the second site (2) you will see the list of State Assembly members sorted alphabetically by last name. You have the optioin to sort the list by number to find your Assembly District member's contact information. Site (3) is the main site for State Rent Administration. Here You will can find lists frequently asked questions about rent stabilization and rent control. You also can enter an address (Online Services - Rent Regulated Building Search) to see if a building is currently registerted (2015). The link to site (4) - City Finance brings you to a page where you can obtain a list of the tax lots receiving J51 or 421a tax incentives in City fiscal year 2013/14, the most recent publicly available time period. The lists include lots for both owner and renter units. There is only one address per lot, however. (Some tax incentive lots have as many as 110 buildings on them.)